Cybathlon Challenge 2023

Participating in CYBATHLON was an honor for us, and it gave us a platform to showcase our technology and compete with some of the best teams in the world. This experience has encouraged us to continue working towards our mission of inclusivity and accessibility.


Karla Bionics

5/30/20231 min read

We are excited to share the news that Karla Bionics, an emerging startup from Institut Teknologi Bandung, recently participated in the CYBATHLON competition hosted by ETH Zürich and supported by Maxon Germany, which challenges teams from around the world to develop assistive technologies for people with disabilities.

Karla Bionics is committed to empowering people with disabilities to be proud and active through affordable assistive devices. Our products include body-powered and electric-powered prosthetic arms that help individuals lead a fulfilling and independent life.

Despite being a relatively new player in the field, we are proud to have secured 5th place in the Arm category. This was no small feat, considering that we are the only team that used fully body-powered prosthetic arms in the competition, while other teams' devices were either hybrid or fully electric-powered.

We are particularly thrilled to have had Daffa Aldiansyah, our 17-year-old pilot, lead our team in the competition. Daffa's outstanding performance as the youngest pilot in the event and our innovative technology allowed us to achieve a respectable result.

Participating in CYBATHLON was an honor for us, and it gave us a platform to showcase our technology and compete with some of the best teams in the world. This experience has encouraged us to continue working towards our mission of inclusivity and accessibility.

We are determined to make our assistive devices more affordable and accessible to people all over the world, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives. We invite everyone to join us in our mission of inclusivity and accessibility, and together we can make a difference.

For more information about Karla Bionics and our products, please send your inquiry to